Wednesday, 9 March 2011

A little behind...

So - I'm a little behind... OK... a LOT behind, but that's alright.  I will catch up soon.  Here's a quick update on what is going on in the land of the Therrien's, for which I will follow with more in depth posts:

  1. We had a fantastic pot luck supper with the Duecks and the Peters.  It was so yummy and filling, and my mouth is watering just thinking about it!
  2. My parents came for a fantastic weekend visit.  It was great.  We played cards, visited, ate some good food and threw my Mom totally off the diabetic sugar charts (whoops...).
  3. The kids had another hockey game last night, and although they lost, they played a very good game.  I'm so proud of how far they have come.
  4. I've been sewing cloth diapers like a crazy woman and loving it.  It is so much more fullfilling than buying them, and I constantly have new fluff to put on G's bum. 
  5. We are keeping the room we set up as a spare room/office/sewing center!!!!!  Going to make it a permanent addition once the floors are finished :)
  6. G has been sleeping like a trooper, and I couldn't be happier.
  7. We are starting to test drive new/used vehicles!
That's about it!  I'll be blogging about each of these items in the upcoming days :)

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